Do Professional Poker Players Have Higher Alcoholic Consumption Rates

Do Professional Poker Players Have Higher Alcoholic Consumption Rates October 27, 2014 October 27, 2014 Tim Glocks
Posted on  Oct 27, 2014 | Updated on  Oct 27, 2014 by Tim Glocks

Alchol and PokerProfessional poker players who have been in the industry for any length of time are used to the long hours, strong competition and pitfalls of playing professional poker. Whether they play live poker or online poker, the poker industry has become extremely challenging but rewarding as well.

Most professional poker players tend to lose more money than they win, experience mood swings and travel extensively attending poker tournaments across the globe. Online poker players experience a different lifestyle where they are confined to their home and spend hours on end in front of the computer. The lifestyle and poker career brings numerous challenges with it and the stress often causes professional poker players to develop addictive tendencies, especially towards hard alcohol., a UK gambling affiliate recently conducted a poll to see if professional poker players consume more alcohol than the general population. The poll took feedback from over 2000 active UK gamblers and addressed a number of topics such as fitness, lifestyle, gambling and alcohol. The poll revealed that 23 percent of poker players stated that they drank more than the weekly recommended limit and male poker players were more likely to be the ones who went over the recommended limit.

Thuận B 'Scotty' NguyễnThuận B. “Scotty” Nguyễn a.k.a ‘The Prince of Poker’ is known for drinking while playing. Back in 2008, the former world champion went over the top when he started abusing his opponent at that time Michael DeMichele. However, things have changed over the past few years and the younger generation of professional poker players tend to be more health conscious. They consume alcohol but also hit the gym regularly to ensure that they are physically fit and can endure the challenges of playing professional poker.

The poll also revealed that poker players had the second-lowest BMI (Body Mass Index) at 25 which was below the UK standard of 27. The poll also showed that 58% of poker players did more physical exercise than what was recommended on a weekly basis.

While there are personalities like Scott Nguyen and Dan Blitzkrieg who have no problem drinking, partying and playing poker, there are others like Dan Colman who hardly ever touch alcohol. Colman is only 24 years old has already won over $22 million in 2014 including the World Series of Poker $1 million buy-in Big One for One Drop.

Colman was recently heard telling another poker player Sorel Mizzi

I don’t understand why people drink alcohol? It does nothing for you. An acquired taste? Why would you want to acquire a taste for something like alcohol?

Tim GlocksAuthor

Tim Glocks is a retired professor, he currently contributes to Tim enjoys playing poker and has taken it up as a hobby since his retirement. He has taken part in many online tournaments and has become a veteran in a short space of time. Visit Tim’s google + page here