Dutch Poker Professional Wins WPT Marbella

Dutch Poker Professional Wins WPT Marbella April 26, 2012 May 4, 2012 Tim Glocks https://www.poker-online.com/author/tim
Posted on  Apr 26, 2012 | Updated on  May 4, 2012 by Tim Glocks

Patrick de Koster, a poker player from Holland, recently proved what a skilled player he was when he won the main event of the National Series of the World Poker Tour held in Marbella.

The poker player went up against plenty of strong opponents at the tables but managed to come out on top at the WPT event in Marbella which featured a poker tournament with a buy in worth €1500.

An additional fee for entry worth €150 was also charged to players making the overall buy-in worth €1650.

At the National Series of the World Poker Tour in Marbella, Patrick de Koster won the final WPT event and took home more than a €100k. His prize money amounted to €150,000 and this is recorded as the largest win in the career of Patrick de Koster.

Patrick de Koster, a twenty seven year old poker player who not only won the largest poker prize for his own career but also because he participated in one of the biggest poker vents held at the National Series of the World Poker Tour so far. The €1500 buy –in event drew in a total of 377 poker players and professionals who were all ready to take the prize. This number of players at Marbella gives this event the biggest player score ever achieved in WPT National Series history.

Initially, it was believed that a local poker player would take home the title for the Marbella National Series of the World Poker Tour as Antonio “jonwayne69” Gonzales had the chip lead and looked like a strong player. There were also 4 other Spanish poker professionals who were thought to be strong contenders on account of their good position on the leaderboard. However, de Koster slowly took them out of the running and he pressed forward and won. Once he had learned about his win at the Marbella National Series of the World Poker Tour, Patrick de Koster was ecstatic and thrilled. “This is remarkable. I’ve been thinking for some time that I have desired to purchase a small studio and now I am capable to do this. Even if I hadn’t accomplished I cannot say enough how much I enjoyed this occasion – it was so welcoming and well organized.

The only remorse is I didn’t get to really experience Marbella as I have continuously been in the casino. I cannot really grumble though!” he said.

Tim GlocksAuthor

Tim Glocks is a retired professor, he currently contributes to Poker-Online.com. Tim enjoys playing poker and has taken it up as a hobby since his retirement. He has taken part in many online tournaments and has become a veteran in a short space of time. Visit Tim’s google + page here